
Activity Management

Bilby is designed for seamless activity management. With just a few clicks, you can create and publish activities on your Partner site. Receive instant notifications about your activities and engage with administrators to ensure you always have the support you need.

activity administration in bilby management software

Activity Management and Administration

Effortless activity creation and publishing

Create and publish activities on your site with just a few clicks. Start accepting bookings from members or guests immediately. Activities are always up to date, displaying progress and status as changes occur.

Comprehensive lifecycle tracking

Track the lifecycle of activities with auditing records that document updates and changes. Administrators can communicate directly with activity owners to assist with activity administration.

Group communication and notifications

Communicate with participants as a group using Bilby's Message Board and receive notifications about important changes or cancellations. Each activity has its own social network for seamless interaction.

Simple owner reassignment

Reassign activity owners easily with a few clicks to ensure that activities are always managed by the right person even when life throws an unexpected surprise.

Easy activity cloning

Clone activities effortlessly and run them again. Create multiple copies of existing activities with ease, simplifying the process of rerunning successful events.

Attendance tracking

Mark users as attended upon activity completion to track metrics such as attendance rates.

Configure activities to suit your group

Customisable Activity Types

Create tailored activity types for your group with customisable fields to help users provide quality data related to your activities.

Approval workflow with Bilby

Configure your partner site with Bilby to require users to formally request approval to publish an activity. Administrators are notified of requests, and a full audit history is maintained.

Trusted member tagging

Use Bilby's tagging system to select trusted members for activity creation. Restrict activity types or allow any user to create activities within your organisation.