
Membership Management

Bilby Management Software simplifies group management by providing powerful data control. Our robust system is thoughtfully designed with user experience in mind. The intuitive interface allows members to manage their own data with just a few clicks, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience for everyone.

Illustration of user administering a profile

User and member administration

Customise user profiles

Capture relevant user data for your group by creating custom fields and specifying required information for your users.

Delegate with powerful officer roles

Assign administrative responsibilities to officers, who can use their elevated privileges to manage user accounts effectively.

Efficiently manage user profiles

Search and administer profiles, view administration notes for members and guests, and generate comprehensive reports for your group.

Track user metrics

Monitor key metrics like new registrations and membership expiries, making it easy to stay in touch with members and address expirations promptly.

Ensure accountability with powerful auditing

Bilby’s robust auditing features provide full accountability, eliminating guesswork and streamlining management for medium to large groups.

Membership financials and payments

Customisable membership products

Configure membership products to suit your needs. Offer different types of membership for your group and automatically apply expiry dates upon purchasing.

Automate membership renewals

Configure membership products to renew automatically. When members approach their expiry, products become available, and Bilby sends out reminder notifications, freeing your officers to focus on more critical tasks.

Streamlined fee collection

Collect membership fees directly into your group’s account and receive payments at your configured frequency. Accept credit card payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Afterpay, and more.

Automated payment tracking

Bilby automatically tracks payments made through the system. Users can view their payment history, and administrators can generate receipts for offline payments.

Your members and guests

User-friendly member management

Bilby prioritises your members and guests, making it easy for even less confident users to manage profiles and renew memberships.

Flexible notification system

Users can select which notifications they want to receive, ensuring they only get relevant messages reducing inbox clutter.

Enhanced privacy control

Bilby takes privacy seriously, allowing users to control what information they share with your group.